Exchange Server’da Mailbox Kotalarını Yüzde Olarak Artırma

Mail kullanımı, günlük yaşamımızda ve iş dünyasında önemli bir yer tutuyor ve tutmaya da devam edecek..

Kuruluşlar içerisinde, Exchange Server Yöneticilerine sıklıkla gelen taleplerden biri de “Mailbox kapasitesini %10 artırabilir misiniz?” oluyor. Elbette, bazı durumlarda “Unlimited” mailbox kapasitesi sunmak mümkün olabilir; ancak genellikle kaynak kullanımını dengelemek adına belirli sınırlamalar getirmek tavsiye edilmektedir.

Örnek; Sizden mailbox için IssueWarningQuotaProhibitSendQuota ve ProhibitSendReceiveQuota limitleri için %10 artış talep ettiler. Bu durum da sizin her mailbox için ($currentquota + %10) hesaplamanız gerekiyor.

Bu yeni değerleri kullanıcılara atamak için ECP (Exchange Control Panel) üzerinden ilerlemeniz ya da uzun bir PowerShell komutu yazmanız gerekebilir. Eğer bu işlem birden fazla kullanıcı için yapılacaksa, zaman alıcı olabilir.

Exchange Server Mailbox Kotasını Yüzde Olarak Artırma (PowerShell)

# Bu script EMS üzerinde çalıştırılmalıdır.
.\Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 -Mailbox "cengiz.yilmaz" -IncreaseByPercentage 10

Bu komut, “cengiz.yilmaz” isimli mailbox’un kotalarını %10 artırır. Script, mevcut kotalar üzerine hesaplama yaparak yeni kota değerlerini otomatik olarak ayarlamaktadır.

Ayrıca, tüm mailbox’ları belirli bir database üzerinde varsayılan değerlere ayarlamak için aşağıdaki komut kullanılabilir:

[PS] C:\Scripts>.\Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 -Mailbox Cengiz.yilmaz -UseDatabaseDefaults
Mailbox: Cengiz Yılmaz
Uses Database Defaults: False
Warning Quota: 1.88 GB (2,019,086,336 bytes)
Prohibit Send Quota: 1.98 GB (2,126,010,368 bytes)
Prohibit Send/Receive Quota: 2.277 GB (2,444,702,720 bytes)

Exchange Server’da Mailbox Kotasını Yüzde Olarak Artırma Scripti

Yukarıda bahsettiğim, Exchange Server’da kullanıcıların mailbox kotalarını yüzde olarak artırmak için kullanabileceğiniz PowerShell scriptini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. Bu script, mail hesaplarının kotalarını belirli bir yüzde ile artırarak Exchange Server yöneticilerine zaman kazandırır ve işlemleri otomatize etmelerini sağlar.

Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 - Configure mailbox quotas for Exchange mailboxes

This PowerShell script allows you to quickly set mailbox quota values for
one or more Exchange mailboxes. You can use this script to set the mailboxes
to use the database quota defaults, increase by a specified percentage, or
decrease by a specified percentage.

Results are output to console.

The name of the mailbox you want to modify.

.PARAMETER UseDatabaseDefaults
This switch will set the specified mailboxes to use the default quotas
configured on the mailbox database on which they are hosted.

.PARAMETER IncreaseByPercentage
This parameter allows you to specify the percentage by which existing
quota values on a mailbox should be increased. If the mailbox is currently
using the default database quota levels the increase will be based off
those values.

If any of the three quota settings are set to "Unlimited" then this
parameter will not make any changes to the mailbox.

.PARAMETER DecreaseByPercentage
This parameter allows you to specify the percentage by which existing
quota values on a mailbox should be decreased. If the mailbox is currently
using the default database quota levels the increase will be based off
those values.

If any of the three quota settings are set to "Unlimited" then this
parameter will not make any changes to the mailbox.

.\Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 -Mailbox Adam.Wally -UseDatabaseDefaults
The mailbox user Adam.Wally will be configured to use the quota
values configured on the mailbox database on which they are hosted.

.\Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 -Mailbox Adam.Wally -IncreaseByPercentage 5
The mailbox user Adam.Wally will have their mailbox quota values
increased by 5 percent.

Get-Mailbox -Database DB04 | .\Set-MailboxQuota.ps1 -UseDatabaseDefaults
All mailboxes hosted on database DB04 will be configured to use the
default database quota values.

Change Log
V1.00, 23/10/2015 - Initial version

param (
	[Parameter( ParameterSetName='Increase' )]

	[Parameter( ParameterSetName='Decrease' )]

	[Parameter( ParameterSetName='UseDefaults' )]

    [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$True, Mandatory=$true)]


# Script

Begin {

    # Functions

    Function Convert-QuotaStringToKB() {


        [string]$CurrentQuota = ($CurrentQuota.Split("("))[1]
        [string]$CurrentQuota = ($CurrentQuota.Split(" bytes)"))[0]
        $CurrentQuota = $CurrentQuota.Replace(",","")
        [int]$CurrentQuotaInKB = "{0:F0}" -f ($CurrentQuota/1024)

        return $CurrentQuotaInKB


Process {

    foreach ($i in $mailbox)

        $UnlimitedWarning = $null
        $UnlimitedSend = $null
        $UnlimitedSendReceive = $null

        #Verify mailbox exists
            $mbx = Get-Mailbox $i -ErrorAction STOP

            #Current mailbox quota details
            Write-Host "----------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor White
            Write-Host "Mailbox: $mbx" -ForegroundColor White
            Write-Host "----------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor White
            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host "Uses Database Defaults: $($mbx.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults)"
            Write-Host ""

            if ($mbx.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults)
                $quotas = @(Get-MailboxDatabase $mbx.Database | Select IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,ProhibitSendReceiveQuota)

                Write-Host "Warning Quota: $($quotas.IssueWarningQuota)"
                Write-Host "Prohibit Send Quota: $($quotas.ProhibitSendQuota)"
                Write-Host "Prohibit Send/Receive Quota: $($quotas.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota)"
                Write-Host ""

                [string]$strIssueWarningQuota = $quotas.IssueWarningQuota.ToString()
                [string]$strProhibitSendQuota = $quotas.ProhibitSendQuota.ToString()
                [string]$strProhibitSendReceiveQuota = $quotas.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.ToString()

                if ($strIssueWarningQuota -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB = Convert-QuotaStringToKB $strIssueWarningQuota
                    $UnlimitedWarning = $true

                if ($strProhibitSendQuota -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB = Convert-QuotaStringToKB $strProhibitSendQuota
                    $UnlimitedSend = $true

                if ($strProhibitSendReceiveQuota -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB = Convert-QuotaStringToKB $strProhibitSendReceiveQuota
                    $UnlimitedSendReceive = $true

                Write-Host "Warning Quota: $($mbx.IssueWarningQuota)"
                Write-Host "Prohibit Send Quota: $($mbx.ProhibitSendQuota)"
                Write-Host "Prohibit Send/Receive Quota: $($mbx.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota)"
                Write-Host ""

                if ($($mbx.IssueWarningQuota) -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB = $mbx.IssueWarningQuota.Value.ToKB()
                    $UnlimitedWarning = $true
                if ($($mbx.ProbibitSendQuota) -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB = $mbx.ProhibitSendQuota.Value.ToKB()
                    $UnlimitedSend = $true
                if ($($mbx.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota) -ne "Unlimited")
                    $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB = $mbx.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.Value.ToKB()
                    $UnlimitedSendReceive = $true

            #Process UseDatabaseDefaults scenario
            if ($UseDatabaseDefaults)
                if ($mbx.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults)
                    Write-Host "$mbx already uses database quota defaults, no change required." -ForegroundColor White
                        Set-Mailbox $mbx -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults:$true -ErrorAction STOP
                        Write-Host "$mbx has been configured to use database quota defaults." -ForegroundColor White
                        Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message

            #Process Increase Scenario
            if ($IncreaseByPercentage)

                Write-Host "Calculating new quotas" -ForegroundColor White

                if ($UnlimitedWarning -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Warning quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current warning quota: $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB = $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB + ($CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB * $IncreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New warning quota: $NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB KB"

                if ($UnlimitedSend -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Send quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current send quota: $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB = $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB + ($CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB * $IncreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New send quota: $NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB KB"

                if ($UnlimitedSendReceive -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Send/Receive quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current send/rec quota: $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB = $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB + ($CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB * $IncreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New send/rec quota: $NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB KB"

            #Process Decrease Scenario
            if ($DecreaseByPercentage)
                Write-Host "Calculating new quotas in KB" -ForegroundColor White

                if ($UnlimitedWarning -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Warning quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current warning quota: $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB = $CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB - ($CurrentIssueWarningQuotaInKB * $DecreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New warning quota: $NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB KB"

                if ($UnlimitedSend -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Send quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current send quota: $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB = $CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB - ($CurrentProhibitSendQuotaInKB * $DecreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New send quota: $NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB KB"

                if ($UnlimitedSendReceive -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "Send/Receive quota is unlimited and mailbox will not be modified."
                    Write-Host "Current send/rec quota: $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB KB"
                    $NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB = $CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB - ($CurrentProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB * $DecreaseByPercentage)/100
                    Write-Host "New send/rec quota: $NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB KB"

            #If either Increase or Decrease scenario, set the new quota values
            if (!($UseDatabaseDefaults))
                if ($UnlimitedWarning -eq $true -or $UnlimitedSend -eq $true -or $UnlimitedSendReceive -eq $true)
                    Write-Host "One or more quota values are set to unlimited, mailbox will not be modified." -ForegroundColor White
                        Write-Host "Setting new quotas" -ForegroundColor White
                        if ($mbx.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults)                
                            Set-Mailbox $mbx -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -IssueWarningQuota "$($NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB)KB" -ProhibitSendQuota "$($NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB)KB" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "$($NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB)KB" -ErrorAction STOP
                            Set-Mailbox $mbx -IssueWarningQuota "$($NewIssueWarningQuotaInKB)KB" -ProhibitSendQuota "$($NewProhibitSendQuotaInKB)KB" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota "$($NewProhibitSendReceiveQuotaInKB)KB" -ErrorAction STOP
                        if ($IncreaseByPercentage)
                            Write-Host "Quotas increased by $IncreaseByPercentage percent"
                        if ($DecreaseByPercentage)
                            Write-Host "Quotas decreased by $DecreaseByPercentage percent"
                        Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Host "----------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor White
            Write-Host ""
            #Mailbox was not found
            Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message



End {


# Finished

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